Of working with GOLD……..

I was able to get a large kennel put together tonight in our garage for when the Goldens are wet or covered in mud and a great risk to the carpet and furniture, let alone all our clothes. I do not remember if I shared a couple of days ago or not of how I had to carry each of them, one at a time, through the house and into the basement when they were sopping wet and muddy from the rain. It’s not that I cannot still do that, but an 80 pound dog it not easy on the stairs, nor am I of the age where I find that kind of work appealing anymore. Wet dog is a recognizable smell, and not one I like on my clothes. This new kennel should work fine.

The Goldens are something I enjoy doing very much. They are all great dogs, each with their own personality, and are all a lot of fun. Plus, they help me deal with the stresses and strains of everyday life…..after all, I am married to a scientist!

Anyway, all this has taken too long to do, and I am fried, so I need to call it a day. But God sure knew what He was doing when He made Goldens. I am so very blessed by having them in my life (and when wet and muddy in my garage!)

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


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