My bed, and other blessings of a bit of pain……

I haven’t felt good all day, and that includes even now, where I am typing in bed and worried that the pain in my lower right abdomen may either be my appendix, or mice. (It probably is not either, but I am a guy who just likes answers.) Either way, I am stuck here in my bed with pain that I would rather not have, which proves it is physical and not mental I suppose.

What I am hoping and praying for however is that all the pain will just depart and that it would be all just a memory by morning. That may be a tall order though, because there is not too much that keeps me down. This is a pretty good bit of pain.

But at almost 48 (I learned that from our Treasurer this past weekend, because I already thought I had hit 48) things just feel different than before. When I was younger I never seemed to experience all that much pain, but now I feel almost every bump in the road. AND, every injury I ever had in a sport as a kid now is a nagging reminder that I am no longer a young man!

I will however, take all of this as just an opportunity that the Lord has offered me to not have to load or unload the dishwasher tonight! That’s right, it is a gift! A little pain, hanging out in bed, and perhaps an early bedtime really are things I can deal with……especially tonight.

So I will sign off and see where it takes me. Hopefully tomorrow will find me up and raring to go!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


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