A house complete…….almost.

H-Day is upon us! Tonight we will go to bed knowing that the contractors will be in our home tomorrow with the goal of FINISHING IT BY FRIDAY!!! Praise God! For the next three days the floors will go back in, then our downstairs bathroom, followed by painters on Friday.

In all honesty I cannot wait. We lost the full use of our home just before Christmas, and it has just been too long a process. Amanda and Ben are heading to Kansas on Wednesday afternoon, so it will be even a longer wait for them. They will not see the finished product until late next Monday afternoon.

Patience is a virtue, and I have to confess that all this has tested mine. It will be nice to not have it tested any longer….at least by the house.

It has been a long, but blessed day. Tomorrow looks to be the same. So it is time to call this day to an end. My hope is that yours was blessed as well.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


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