Of miracles……..

God performs many miracles but probably none better than convincing my wife of what furniture to get for the family room. We needed to make a decision, particularly since the room we use most will be empty after the floors are done tomorrow, and the insurance check to pay for it should arrive then as well. I was concerned because we had been spending more in gas to look than it was almost worth. The last thing I need is Al Gore showing up at my door talking about our “carbon-footprint.” (But if he does, Amanda has told me that he now would need to remove his shoes if he is coming in the house.)

Anyway, I should be able to have all of this furniture business resolved before she and Ben return from Kansas on Monday. Ben needs to visit his Nanny, and it is always great for Amanda to get to visit home. She always has a great time.

As for me, besides being a furniture mover, I will be working hard on things for the Church. Lent begins next week, and there is a lot to do. It seems I am never without work to do. I am sure some goofball will jokingly say “well, there is no rest for the wicked,” but I prefer “always skate with your head up.” I’ve never been too good with analogies, and today is no day to start…..after all, I am pretty busy.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless. One more day to finished floors! Praise God!


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