Post Number 1700 and Happy Mother’s Day!!!!

Yes, I know Mother’s Day was LAST SUNDAY, but I could not post then.  But I can post this picture of part of our Mother’s Day celebration that WAS taken on Mother’s Day.  This was taken by Ben Tirman (as you can see by the fine centering) and is at the very same location Amanda and I got engaged AND where we renewed our vows in September.  And no, that is not a dead lion under the table, it is Scotty’s dog Viper who actually did walk from the truck to the table to take a nap and also walked back to the truck as well….to nap again.

From there we took her out to one of her favorite restaurants……..SONIC.  It was a good twenty mile drive through scenic Brown (and Jackson) counties, and as she will tell you…….it was well worth it.  She orders at Sonic like a native, including the “Route 44 Diet Cherry Lime Aide,” which to me is similar to chemotherapy.  I did try to order it in French “le large chair-eee aide le lime,” but she was not impressed.  But in the end it was her day, and she was happy……a win win for us all.

And tonight is my 1700th post for this blog!  Yes, a few months back they were consecutive as I had not missed a day.  But getting here is pretty impressive to me.  No, I am not looking for accolades from others, I am just proud of myself.  This blog was my post-stroke therapy and it still is.  AND, I know it has and is helping me to this day.  I appreciate the opportunity it provides me more than you could know.

But for now I will sign off and get back to my sermon.  I preach and celebrate tomorrow in Noblesville and Anderson.  It is the Day of Pentecost too.  It should be a great day, and one that I will look forward to a little bit more if I can just wrap up what I am going to say!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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