Of being totally floored over……

Praise God! All our floors were finally completed today! We have the finish carpenter putting the trim around the baseboards tomorrow and then they will paint the trim on Friday. I will hopefully pick up a coach and a chair on Saturday and then walah (is that a word?)….the house will be done.

The floor was not finished when I left to take Amanda and Ben to the airport. With a lacrosse meeting at 7 at the high school, the first time I saw it finished was at about 9pm. I was not disappointed though. It looks great, and we are thankful for our insurance. The damage from the busted pipe would have not been repairable had we had to come up with the money on our own. It is just nice to not have to walk on the sub-floor.

I am waiting for Amanda and Ben to call before I go to bed, but I did get the report that Ben did great on the plane. He sure had fun at the airport, but he did not seemed pleased at all to say good-bye to his brother or me. It may have been an act to make us feel important, but his mood as we left sure didn’t seem as if he was heading to do so well on the plane. He is a pretty amazing little guy though…..a guy who is living like a king right now in the arms of his grandma.

Who’d blame him? I am a king at my grandma’s still. He is one lucky guy!

So I will call it a day, and a good one at that! Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


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