The finish line is in sight…….

Finally! I had a day of unbelievable progress, not just on the house, but with my work as well. Sometimes I think I am at my best when there is a lot to do. Though it may be stressful, the good Lord has just given me the ability to walk in that world.

Thanks to Deacon Dan (who has a truck) and Deacon PT who showed up to help, I now have furniture in our family room. With all things going to plan, the entire thing will be done before I pick Amanda and Ben up from the airport on Monday afternoon…..that’s the plan at least. Things are still in a bit of disarray, but they are getting less so with each passing moment.

Tomorrow I am on the northern tour, with both St. Patrick’s and St. Anne’s. I have a meeting in the afternoon as well. The house will be waiting when I return, and then it will get a final go-through. The lock box for the contractors is to be removed on Monday. Praise God, the end it in sight!

Okay, time to call it a day! I hope your day was blessed, and productive too!

Thanks for checking in…..God Bless!


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