The evasive line…….

Have you ever had one of those dreams where you were running either to or away from something, but it just feels like slow motion? That’s my life today, but I just can’t seem to make the finish line I spoke about seeing yesterday. It’s not that I have not tried either, or accomplished a lot, because I have. It is just that everything has taken me much more time than I thought.

This is to say I have given up and am in bed. I have 12 hours until the plane lands, minus the 1.5 hours I will give myself to get there. With sleep, that does not leave much time to finish everything that I want to. Plus a couple of work commitments in the morning will crank up the pressure even more.

I mentioned to both Steph and Scott, who were finishing up their science fair projects that are due tomorrow, how I really do work well under pressure. Tomorrow we will see. But these five days alone have seen a lot get done. I don’t think I bit off more than I can chew……after all, who needs sleep anyway???

Goodnight my friends, and don’t worry….I am in bed till morning! God Bless!


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