A day of completion……

I have three things back tonight that I value very much……my wife, my youngest son, and my house key. That’s right, my family has not only returned, but the house has been completed as well! I am very thankful for all of it too!

Oh but wait, it gets better! AND, then last night at the high school the science fair was held. Yep, the kids’ projects are done too. There will be no more papers, display boards, eggs and Tupperware, or plants listening to different genres of music taking over the house……at least not until the next big project that is.

And it is a good thing too. Lent begins tomorrow and I have a ton to do. Ben and I will put together the finishing touches on all the service books for Ash Wednesday tomorrow. Hopefully he will not forget anything too. He likes to help, but at 20 months though he thinks he knows what he is doing he mostly just provides comic relief. But as we enter into Lent, he is exactly what I need.

So things here are back to normal at the Tirman home, and full of many apparent blessings for us all. I intend to enjoy it. God has given me a lot for which to be thankful. I will not waste the day at all.

Keep the faith my friends and God Bless.


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