Hoping to not make backwards the new normal…….

One of the things about having a stroke is that when things happen out of sorts your mind goes right toward questioning if it is related, or God-forbid, happening again. Such was my day today. I got a lot done, including the delivery of 60 Ash Wednesday programs that I made myself to Deacon Morgan for the service in Anderson tomorrow night. They are 15 pages including the cover, and I not only copied them, but collated and stapled them too. It was a large feat for someone such as me, but tasks like it make me really feel as if I have accomplished something. I was waiting until after I delivered them to Deacon Morgan tonight at St. Anne’s Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper to finish the others. And when we got home and Ben to bed, Amanda helped me do just that. She was stapling the piles I had copied and laid out.

Amanda is a pretty good soul, and she soon came to me and asked me very gently about the program. I had not only copied the cover incorrectly, I had stapled and delivered 60 to St. Anne’s tonight. It was one of those things that was out of sorts. I had checked and rechecked 1000 times. I had assembled 60 and this mistake was not just ON the cover it WAS the cover. A kindergartner would have caught it, and it really hit me hard. I don’t mind doing more work. I just mind worrying about my mind. It may seem trivial to the average Joe, but it is a lot to handle for me. It makes you second guess yourself.

Anyway, Amanda sent me to type while she finished them up after I fixed them. Sleep will do me good and tomorrow should be a great day. It will include one extra trip to Anderson (I have to drop something off!), but I am excited about the beginning of Lent. I will explain more about that tomorrow though.

Off to bed for me! Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


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