Ash Wednesday….the beginning of Lent

Today is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent. I did two services today, one with Deacon Conley in Nashville, and then St. Patrick’s tonight in Westfield. Ash Wednesday is a very meaningful service to me, and it is always an honor to be a part.

For Lent, one of my disciplines will be to get my weight back down and keep it there. I was pretty close to my goal when I had my stroke last year, and in all honesty it depressed me. I was in great shape and my life totally changed! How frustrating is that? All that salad and a stroke! When I was eating cheeseburgers I was fine! Go figure.

Anyway, after the better part of the year, I have come to see clearly. I don’t need to live my life in the past, I need to move ahead. I am no longer that young athlete that I was, but if I want to be an old man and a burden to my wife and children for many years to come then I need to get on the ball. Keep me in your prayers…….I am going at this with a lot of determination!

So off to bed it is for me! Ben and I will take it easy tomorrow and may even get a little fun in….I have been too busy! But I hope and pray for you that this season of Lent will lead to a deepening for you and lasting positive change.

I pray that for myself as well.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


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