One home and one to go……..

Yes, this afternoon Stephanie returned from college.  She left a Junior and now will enjoy the last vacation before her Senior year.  It is hard to believe that time has flown by so quickly.

But of course Stephanie returning home means the every familiar faces of all our other “extended children” appearing here as well.  Tonight it was Molly and Celeste.  And although it makes Amanda and I happy to have them all here, it is Ben that is in total heaven.  He just thinks they are all here to see him…….he always has, and he always will.

But Steph’s return has made this a great day.  Scotty comes home on Wednesday, and it will be one of those now rare times we have all of us together.  It won’t last too long, or long enough in my humble opinion, but it will at least happen.  And that’s a pretty big blessing to me.

So things are pretty great today and I am very thankful.  Today has been a wonderful day!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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