The Lenten journey……

I want to report that the day has been very good so far in terms of my Lenten disciplines. As I shared a few days ago, I really want to get my weight down and keep it there, yet my first few days of Lent have been more of a struggle than a success. I was originally scheduled for Nashville and Greenfield today, but that got changed late in the week, so I found myself at the St. Patrick’s pitch-in…….an amazing smorgasbord of tasty treats, all of which were off my diet.

It was hard, but I did great! I had a coffee and then headed out for Anderson. I did eat later in the day, a salad and then an eggbeater omelet. I weigh in the mornings, but with a day like today, at least I stand a chance of not being discouraged. Please pray for me that I continue to do well. I know I do not look overweight, and I am still very athletic, but I am clearly at risk, and want to put this behind me once and for all. Let me put it our there here. I hit 228 lbs and as of this morning I was at 223.8 (which is 224 in my book!) I am heading to 175…..please pray for me to get there and stay there!

Anyway, it has been a good one, and tomorrow will be better. Tomorrow Ben starts in daycare full time, and lacrosse starts. For the next 2.5 months I will be busy and running as the high school women’s lacrosse coach. If I am not down by the end of the season, shame on me. These girls will run me ragged.

Thanks for checking in, and for your prayers and support. Life is always better with support, and I appreciate yours.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


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