And they’re off……….

Well it is finally upon us…..lacrosse season. We held our first practice outside on our practice field this afternoon in weather that would make a polar bear long for a coat. My hands were cold even with gloves, and despite my pleas with the girls about wearing the right clothing, a few looked absolutely miserable.

But the good news is that we are our of the gate and looking towards a great season. I cannot even begin to tell you how enthused I am about it either. It is a great group of girls, and we will have a lot of fun.

The boys’ team started practice too, and Scott was out there with them. The boys go pretty rough right away, so there is not a lot of opportunity to freeze as there is in our practice. “Technically,” women’s lacrosse is “non-contact,” whereas the men’s game is like hockey on steroids. The great part is that both kids came home excited about the season getting underway. It has made the Tirman home a more than happy home all night.

But that night is now done and off to bed we go. We are finishing a few projects around the house and getting it all back to normal. I am tired and thankful for my bed. Amanda however appears more thankful, in that she is already asleep and heading toward tomorrow.

Stay warm out there my friends. The high tomorrow here is just 32!

Goodnight and God Bless!


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