Back in the zone….the construction zone that is….

Scotty and I have been working on his room all week in our spare time. We ripped out carpet and pad, painted, and with great determination, we should have flooring installed in there by Thursday night. It has actually been a lot of fun. And I miswrote, because Steph and Amanda stripped the old Noah’s Ark wallpaper off the walls over the weekend.

Last night Scotty and I went to the Lowes and he picked out the paint. Amanda was not all that pleased because she felt it was too dark. She said get some sort of beige. I thought it was fine, and Scotty was excited. The problem was not Scott… was male genes….we have a much more generous spectrum of what we consider beige. But it is his room and we don’t sleep in it. Personally, I think it looks fantastic, but what do I know. Amanda thought I was a loon when we painted inside and I asked why we needed to paint walls in contrasting colors. Apparently I don’t get it.

I am not worried about it though. I wear black shirts and black pants to work and jeans and t-shirts beyond that. I am not dissatisfied…..just comfortable. I am the painter and carpenter, not the decorator. And once Scott puts all his stuff back in his room you can’t see the walls anyway……after all, he’s still a teenager!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


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