A week under our belts……

Well one week of practice has been completed in the lacrosse season…..only 7000 more to go!!! Actually, the lacrosse season only lasts until mid May, but it only seems far away at the start. Soon we will be flying from one place to another and at the end it will seem all like a blur. It is one of my favorite things to take part of.

Oddly enough lacrosse came into our family when Stephanie came home one day and said, “Dad, I am going to go out for the lacrosse team.” When I asked her why, since I was pretty certain that the game had never been discussed in our home, she said quite confidently, “Because Chrissy is going to.” Chrissy and Stephanie had been friends for a long time, and I thought it would be one of the things they would just try. I would not identify either as the athletic type, though Stephanie has always been competitive. Both were more the egghead type! I just never thought it was going to be a permanent thing. Steph is now a third year player and darn good. Chrissy lives in China now and I am not sure if they even play it there……my guess is not. But with Scott on the bandwagon, it is our home’s sport most of the year.

So one week is completed and I am thankful…..mostly for our progress. It helps me to do all this, since as a priest you cannot always see the effects of your work. In lacrosse it is pretty obvious, and on Friday night in our indoor game it was obvious. We are not the team we were a week ago.

God sometimes gives us opportunities we would never imagine. I find myself often living mine. It has been a busy week, but tomorrow I do not have much I have to do. So with that, I will bid you goodnight.

Keep the faith my friends and God Bless.


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