Of remembering (finally!) and anniversaries…..

It is so rarely that my life catches on fire, but for the past few days that’s exactly what it has felt like. Work and family issues have kept me so busy that I got out of my rhythm, which for a guy like me, is a recipe for disaster. I signed on tonight thinking I was a day behind, when it is really 4 days. It’s hard to deal with, in that I really do feel like I have it together most days. Seeing that my last post was Friday depressed me deeply!

Today is a marker in my ministry because today, March 10th, is the 19th anniversary of my ordination to the priesthood. Oddly enough, I was 19 when I first told a bishop that I wanted to be a priest, so it just goes to show that a person can really be screwed up for quite some time! But I am not a big one for dates such as these, nor my birthday, because in reality I give thanks for everyday I get to do what I do. I never really imagined I would ever be a priest, I just felt called to it. It gets no more special with age. I am as enthused about it as I was at the start. It has been a blessing to me for sure.

I do apologize to those of you who follow this blog for my absence. Post stroke, it was to be a big part of my therapy and it has been. And clearly, only problems relating to the stroke seem to derail it. But thank God I remembered! In the words of that great teacher Bob the Tomato, “It’s good to be back!” Let’s hope and pray I now remember tomorrow!

Keep the faith my friends, and your memory for as long as you can!!! God Bless!


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