Putting the concept of bad luck in its place (waiting for his brother)…………

There is an old saying that if it were not for bad luck, I would have no luck at all……..I guess that makes me fortunate that I do not believe in luck.

But I HAVE BEEN living my life in the midst of a series of unfortunate events……the result of one of them was TWO blown computer routers and the need to do some skoolin on kumpuuters.   And I am proud to say that at least as of NOW, I have Internet and connectivity throughout my house and TO MY computer!  Thank God!

Today is also the first day of Scotty’s leave and we were to pick him up at the airport at 5:45PM.  His plane made it to the tarmac before heading back to the gate and was grounded.  My general belief is that there was not one thing wrong with that plane, but Delta just wanted to pile onto my bad day.  So the bad news is that Scotty was 2 hours late, but the good news is that he is HOME!  And as for me, that makes everything else just fade away in comparison.

So my whole family is home, my Internet and blog are back up, I am still breathing, and Viper the wonderdog is as happy as he can be with hos boy home.  Life is good……even with all its challenges.

Goodnight and God Bless!


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