Of wins, of losses and lessons,,,,,,,

Well, though we played for the championship tonight in the women’s indoor league, in the end we lost by two goals….to Carmel. The girls were deeply disappointed, but in truth I was very proud of them. To me as a coach, the indoor season is just developmental. We are already practicing for the regular season, and those games are what really counts. We will do great there…..even against Carmel!

It would be nice if everything we did in life was a win, but in reality that is not the way it works. It’s a good lesson to learn. Each day brings new challenges and with it new opportunities to do better, to do our best.

As a former athlete, I always thought it a bad idea to give everyone a trophy and to never keep score. A ten year old really doesn’t need to have an embroidered letter jacket and travel all over the country to play ball. It’s not reality. Life catches up. In fact, we compete in a lot of life…..getting into schools, getting jobs or promotions, and even in relationships. Life is full of wins and losses, and we are at our best when we learn to deal with them both.

Sure, I would have liked a different outcome. But come Monday I will have a much more determined team. A loss tonight will help us play better tomorrow……but even more so March 23rd when we play them again! It’s already on their radar. I will look forward to that win!

All this coaching has made me tired! Off to bed I go. So goodnight my friends and God Bless! I hope you had a wonderful day.


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