My teachers were right….you DO need math!

Okay, I need to apologize. If I could just remember which teacher who told me geometry was important in life I would go back and make amends. Unfortunately I have trouble remembering even the recent past, let alone over 30 years ago. It will just have to be one of those things I regret for the rest of my life.

This afternoon a few of us gathered together to stake out and line the women’s lacrosse field at the high school. As I was sort of “sighting” the outer stakes, fortunately Mr. Bob Latini (the only one with the right kind of needed experience) showed up and mentioned “Isosceles triangles.” Ironically, I not only knew what they were, but also remembered the formula. But when it came to the math part, well I just sheepishly retired back to my grunt work.

The good news is that the field is marked and it looks great! Thanks Bob! The bad news is that my hands are still covered with spray paint and I am less that 12 hours away from my first service in the morning! There is some scrubbing in my future!

Anyway, it is a day I will not soon forget….just the details. Thank God Scott was there with me to fill them in!

I hope you had a blessed day! Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


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