Technical difficulties…please stand by!

Yep, technical difficulties, and all of them in my brain. I received an email this morning from Deacon Dan Conley reminding me about the blog! Thanks Dan! We had been out of town all day Thursday, from around 5am till just after midnight, okay, in re-reading this, I see it was WEDNESDAY. I think you can begin to see my confession it legit.

I have TONS of people (not talking about cumulative weight, but numbers) tell me not to worry, and jokingly mention they forget things all the time. The hard part for me is that I really do regiment my schedule and life in order not to. I know where I was, and quite frankly, post-event, I am no longer there….nor am I close. Things like forgetfulness to others is a nuisance, but to me it is pretty stinking scary.

With that, this blog today represents the Plan B of the times that I struggle…..don’t TRY to remember later, do it when it comes up and do it right then. This is to say that there will be no posting later today, just as I work to get back on track these next few (hopefully) days. Just keep me in your prayers. I am not overloaded or anything like that personally. In my experience thus far it is just like having a cold… can get bad for a while, but sooner or later things come back around. At least that will be the theory I will hold onto.

Of course, only if I remember it that is!

God Bless you my friends!


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