What??? Me remember???

You would think I would be brighter than all this, but I swear I am trying. I have been doing a lot lately, and this blog has gotten lost in the chaos. Please know that it is not the only thing. That may be a comfort to loyal readers, but to me it is quite horrifying. I am however committed to continuing on in my struggles to do more. I have found that when things are easy, I can handle it all. But when things get a bit stressful and overloaded, I have a lot of stumbles. It would make sense to not worry about it if all of life were easy, but in truth we all know it is not. I am glad to be fighting to get through this, because that is how I will finally be able to put it all behind me. Time will tell how I do, but I am writing tonight, and that is a big victory for me in itself!

Amanda and Ben are now in Arizona for our niece’s birthday (Kayla). I would have loved to go, but after I heard that Ben cried for 2/3 the flight, I am okay with staying home. Amanda will no doubt make me pay when they get home, but somehow it will be worth it!

After leaving the airport, I stopped at the Cracker Barrel and had breakfast with Mike Constantine of Family Life (who I have mentioned before in this blog) and who was in Indiana with his family visiting supporters of their ministry. Mike and I had actually never met in person prior to today, but seemed like old friends. It is both refreshing and encouraging to have the opportunity to walk with people as committed to the Lord as Mike. He will be returning in September to speak about Family Life’s “Weekend to Remember” in our Churches. Amanda and I are alumni and we recommend it highly. It is the shot that every marriage needs, regardless of its condition. It helps couples understand God’s intention for their marriage. And if you would like to know more, please contact us!

Anyway, I can make a mess of the house now until at least Sunday, but I want you to know I won’t. (I’m a pretty smart guy!) But I will fall asleep watching TV and act like I am having fun while missing them both terribly. It’s only a few days. I will do my best to get by!

Thanks for your understanding, and keep me in your prayers. I am still at it and hope to post again tomorrow!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


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