The work of the Advance Team that doesn’t exist…….

I know when the President flies into somewhere an advance team is there ahead of time making preparations for his arrival. Everything is in its place in advance, so that when he arrives everything will go smoothly.

In preparation of Amanda’s arrival tonight from Arizona many similar things are taking place, but of course all without the aid of an advance team. We have been straightening things, cleaning, organizing, and making things “Amanda ready.” Sure, we are certain there will be something that we will miss, but hopefully she will be too tired to care! I am certain she will just be thankful to be home.

And of course then there is Ben! The house has been toy-free for a few days, and whereas we are not allowed to be such tornadoes here at home, with him it is expected. It has been too quiet. We are looking forward to the noise. I am taking tomorrow off just to get to hang out with him! I cannot wait.

The cat is even lonely! She howls when she cannot find Ben, and will be happy to see him. It is no surprise that his first two-word sentence (just last week) was “Hi Kitty.” They will be happy to be reunited.

Anyway, back to the grind I go. Steph is now at her work, and Scott is doing homework, so unless the cat does laundry, I am on my own. BUT, we will get it done, and she will be happy to be home. No one however will be happier than I! Things are always so much better when we are all together!

God Bless you my friends, and thanks for checking in!


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