Back to the grind……we love it!

It is truly back to the grind here. Although I was able to spend the day with Amanda and Ben at home, soon the time came for me to head off to lacrosse practice. Then home, then dinner with the family, and now homework and other family stuff. Our days are pretty regimented, but that’s a part of what makes them fun. We can usually count on dinner together, and some time a little later too.

Of course there are days, like tomorrow, where a game will interfere with our routine. Scott plays tomorrow night at Carmel, so we will be hanging out there instead. Hopefully they will have concessions. I love stadium hot dogs! I hope to not be disappointed and to see a big Noblesville win.

Of all of us, Ben seems to be the happiest. I guess we will never know what he wondered had happened to us when he was away in Arizona with Amanda, but clearly he is enjoying seeing us all now. He just smiles and looks at us. It warms your heart.

Anyway, I don’t want to miss a thing, since everyone is still up. I hope you have had a great day! God Bless!


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