Giving them a run for my money………..

Yes, today I got to go to bootcamp and take with me my college athlete daughter and my US Marine son.  It was a great opportunity to hang out with them and to get to see what I do to try and stay in shape!  It, bootcamp, is one of the most important things I do, and tonight’s picture is of Steph and Scott  after their hour under the tutelage of MY trainer Tod Esquivel who owns Indy Boot Camps.  Tod is in the center.

And I was glad they went with me as I consider Tod and the Bootcamp to literally be a lifesaver FOR me.  Post stroke my metabolism is pathetic and Tod and his instruction have been the ONLY THING that has been working for me for the past five years.  This month is the first month of 12 in a row for me, and I intend to make sure I am successful.  And it meant a lot for the kids to meet him and get a glimpse of how hard I work to make this happen.

And oh yes, they were faster than I was and in better shape, but Steph has 30 years on me and Scott 32, if you go in reverse….which is my preference as it doesn’t make me feel as old.  But I do pretty well for one of the oldest in the camps.  And in all honesty I enjoy it.  When I was young I was an athlete and in great shape, and I find in my own life that I do far better with a good coach at my back.  And I have seen the whole spectrum……Tod is among the best for me.

So it has been a great day and we had fun.  Tomorrow we will celebrate all the birthdays we will not be together for in the next weeks as Steph, my sister, my dad, and my niece are heading to Europe on Saturday for about 3 weeks, and then Scotty will be leaving next Wednesday for his duty station in California.  Amanda’s is May 28, dad’s is June 3, Scotty’s is June 16 (as is Father’s Day), mine is June 19, and Ben is June 30.  But we will have cake to distract from the chaos.

So at this point I can only do one day at a time.  But at least I am doing it in better shape each day.  And I am just thankful to find a great trainer and program that works.  And I would encourage you to give it a try if you too are looking for something that works

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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