Hanging in with Cookie…….

Today has been a scary, but good day. One of our dogs, Cookie, had developed an infection over the weekend and had to have an emergency spay this morning at our vet. She is one of Steph’s show dogs, and this not only ended the hopes of puppies with her, but her show career as well.

To be honest though, it was not a hard decision at all. Dr. Vicki Hagerman and I talked about it only briefly. Cookie had been on antibiotics since Saturday, with the hopes that they would work. They did stop her from getting worse, but it was not enough. We talked about an additional treatment that might prevent the spay and give her a shot about the puppies…….but we have a great vet, and I am a good breeder. Pups and the show ring were not worth the risk. We both knew that. Cookie was in surgery a short time after that. I had even not fed her or dosed her in case that was the direction we needed to head. Delaying it would be risky. We love her, and just wanted her to be healthy. The report this afternoon was that she did fine. She will stay an extra day because of the infection and return to us Thursday morning. Thank God she is doing well!

Sometimes blessings come through the darkest of storms or the highest of seas. I am thankful for them all. These past few days have been trying, but we all have done our part to see Cookie through, especially Steph.

The reunion Thursday will be well worth it, as is the peace I feel tonight knowing she is on the right road to recovery.

With that, I am off to bed!! Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


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