Remembering again with a jump start…..thanks Dan!

If I only was practicing lacrosse, I could blame my forgetfulness on that, but it is Spring Break. I did go a day or two without Internet….thanks Comcast, but it wasn’t their fault either. The fact is, I am trying hard to remember things, even routine things, and at times it becomes difficult. My apologies to you all.

On the up-side, Steph, Amanda, and I were able to get Steph up to Purdue for a college visit. She seemed to like it, and will be attending an Engineering Camp this summer on campus. We went to a math meeting as well, but she seems to be leaning towards the engineering instead. She loves math and science, so it seems she will end up in one of those smart-girl type fields. I am just amazed we are at this point. I still think of her as my little girl.

Today I am in preparation for Holy Week, which begins tomorrow with Palm Sunday. I do have the palms, which is a good start, but we have a lot of services to prepare for and I am working on those. To show you the extent of my progress. I still have bulletins and a sermon for tomorrow to finish and then we will start on the other days! Yikes!

Cookie is home and doing well…….a detour we were not planning on time-wise or financially, but the big blessing is she is going to be fine. Of course she will have no puppies or show any more, but all our dogs are family first and work for us second! (on their list it is often lower!) So the bottom line is that we are so pleased that she dodged a bullet at 4 and will have plenty of more ball chasing years here at home.

Anyway, off to do that work I have been talking about. Remember again, Holy Week begins tomorrow! Get to church!! I will see you there.

God Bless.

Fr. Tom+

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