Palm Sunday…….the beginning of Holy Week.

I am writing tonight at just shy of 9pm, after just getting home from running a few errands with Amanda, which we went on right when I returned from work. And though I am thankful to be home and thankful for the wonderful day, the week ahead still looms large. Being a priest is such a privilege, but it is no more evident than to me than in Holy Week. It is the most moving time of the Church Year for me.

Of course I also know that there is quite a bit more for me to do during Holy Week, and I am aware that I am probably difficult to live with during this time. I am certain all the other time of the year I am quite fun to be around….a saint in fact, but I would prefer you’d not ask my wife or kids about that, because quite frankly I enjoy living in my delusion.

I would ask that you pray for all our churches and all our clergy as we walk through this sacred week. But even more importantly, that you would allow the Lord to deepen you and stretch you and change you into the person He calls you to be.

Have a blessed night! And thanks for checking in!

Fr. Tom+

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