Underwater, but I see the surface!!

I have spent the majority of the day getting things ready for the services at all our mission. We have Good Friday services, Stations of the Cross, readings, bulletins, the need for Communion supplies such….all of which I would like to distribute to our clergy tomorrow (since we are not all in one place this week other than tomorrow).

The good news is that everything seems to be copied and we now have to go out and get a new stapler, since our good one broke, and the new one was hardly even functional. Amanda is out getting a new one. It is not a standard one, which we have ten of. It is one that staples booklets, since a lot of the things for Holy Week are in fact, booklets.

BUT….if we get these done tonight, all I will have left is my sermons for Thursday and Sunday! I hope to go to sleep tonight with that being the case!!

Anyway, I am trying to write when I remember, and this of course is pretty early. BUT it is a post, and for TODAY!! Yee ha!

My hope and prayer for you is that you have had a blessed day. Mine is far from over, but looking better every minute!

God Bless you my friends and I hope to remember tomorrow as well!


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