This was written on Monday night, rather than tonight, because I knew that on Tuesday I would be with our clergy in Akron all day, and then on the way home, I would divert to Mishawaka (my hometown) to meet with a group of high school classmates who are planning our 30th high school reunion this summer. So chances are, if you are reading this on Tuesday night, I am almost home from both.

In Akron we are attending a Chrism Mass, which is where all the clergy gather with the Bishop to receive the Holy Oils that we use all year, celebrate Communion, and renew our vows. Since we will be there in two cars, I will drop my passenger off with the others just north of Fort Wayne on the return trip and then continue on to Mishawaka. As far as the reunion meeting is concerned, I am not sure who will be there, nor am I sure I will remember any names, but they have been doing a lot of work in preparation, and I do want to help when I can. God has blessed me with many wonderful people in my life, and I really should say that there is no finer group of people than those I went to high school with. Hindsight is always the best I suppose, but I do regret not getting to know many people better that I grew up with. Thank God I am still alive to have the opportunity to get to know many of them now better!

Anyway, this will be a long day for me, so I do hope you keep me in your prayers. My bed will be a welcome friend. I just hope I see it before midnight!

I hope you have had a great day! God Bless.

Fr. Tom+

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