Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn’t the only one fuzzy……was he?

Much of today has been, as they say, a wash. I did manage to take Ben to the sitter, Cookie to the vet to get her staples removed, and then when I returned home I CRASHED. Though I had gone to bed at 11:30 last night it was all too much apparently. I slept about 7 additional straight hours and have been pretty fuzzy since I woke up. Okay, A LOT FUZZY.

It amazes me at how my body works these days. I can still really go at it, but then suddenly my body just shuts down and says SLEEP…..and sleep I do. I want to share with you that it is really addictive too. It not only heals my body and brain right up, but since my stroke I have wonderful dreams when I sleep, particularly when these periods happen. I do wake up often, but not too much physical time passes each time, but in my dreams I have done so much! I don’t know if that makes too much sense, but to me it does. My life for the past year, though changed in so many ways, means more to me than it ever has. Sure I struggle a bit, but the depth I have now makes all of it worth it….a gift in fact that I would never trade!

And tonight, though the end of an unconscious day, finds me once again out on the back porch with the cat, and a glass of wine…for me, not the cat. She’s loopy enough just drinking water. A good end to a good day.

Tomorrow is Holy Thursday and I hope to see you in Church!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

Fr. Tom+

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