Doing all we can with the twins…….

No, of course they are not REALLY twins, they just behave like they are.  And we are trying to get in all the time we can with them before Scott leaves for his duty station on Wednesday.  But as you can see, they hang out a bit, and here are sleeping together in what used to be THEIR old room before they split their two room “suite” with a bathroom in between into just two regular bedrooms.  Now this is Ben’s room and it is a mess, while Scotty’s room is clean.  But they are brothers and they have missed each other, so this was great to see.

In fact, they jammed a lot into the past couple of days.  Steph just left tonight for a trip to Europe with my dad, sister, and niece.  So the three of them did a bunch.  By the time Steph gets back, Scott will be gone.  So it was lots of eating and playing, and they also went to Ironman 3!  We then had a quick family birthday gathering tonight since Amanda’s birthday is Tuesday and my dad’s is June 3rd and they will be gone till June 12th…..and it was fun.

But we will miss having all three kids home, and now we are back to not knowing when that will happen again.  We are however very grateful for the time we have had and are grateful for the rest of the time Scotty will be home too.

Our children are a real blessing to us, even in transitional times.  And I am just blessed by any time I have with any of them!  What a great day!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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