An Anniversary of Sorts……..

As much as I hate to admit it, today celebrates the one year anniversary of my stroke. A year ago, Ben and I, and many good friends and firemen gathered together in my living room to check me for something I do not even remember. Thank God it has turned out so well too. I am glad to be by it.

And try as I may, I was hell-bent on avoiding doctors all day today, but I failed. Where Ben supervised my demise last year, I supervised his this year. We spent a bit of time this afternoon getting him a chest x-ray, with both of us wearing lead aprons. Guess what?? He is an arm full when not irritated, but twice that much when he is….and today he was irritated! Fortunately we got the pictures snapped on the first go through. The aprons stayed on so both of us should be able to have children….though after wrestling with him I am not sure I want to!

But Ben has pneumonia, and is now dosed up and snoozing next to me on my bed. Though we NEED to practice, lacrosse was canceled today due to the rain, so fortunately I am able to take care of him. Not that he needs it mind you. He just has a cough, but still wrestles quite well, and has managed to run me ragged even in his supposed ill state. He as no clue he ever has anything wrong with him. What a lucky dog!!

As for me, on a personal note, I ran into a guy at radiology who clearly was struggling with the effects of a recent stroke. How ironic I thought, especially today. I don’t normally say anything, but today I felt called to, so I did. So I told him it was my stroke anniversary, and I encouraged him to keep at it. The opportunity meant a lot to me, as encouragement still does when other stroke patients encourage me. I think it encouraged him as well.

As I look back upon this last year I am struck by the abundance of God’s many blessings on my life. I understand more than anyone that I am not the man I was just 366 days ago, and I have learned to accept that I never will be again. But in so many ways I understand that I am actually much more than I ever was.

Through all of this, the Lord has deepened me in ways I had not known, and for it I am thankful. Maybe someday I will share some of the details of all that, but for now let me just say that my life is richer than ever before.

Tonight I will toast my wife and kids with a big glass of Merlot and thank God for them again. It has been an amazing year full of amazing blessings. And you might be surprised to hear me confess, that though this year has been hard, it has clearly been one of my best. Thank God for all He has given me.

His Blessings to you my friends! And please keep Ben in your prayers.


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