Updates on Ben and parenthood……

Though Ben acted like a total maniac today as if he were fine, by the time his nap time came around he started coughing again and acting miserable. I really wish he would understand it when I tell him to do something, but then again that really does not work with any of the kids or even Amanda. It appears he will just tough it out his own way. I will say though, he seems to have turned the corner. The doctor had us call him today though, and wants us to do it again tomorrow.

I often tell Stephanie and Scott that one of the reasons we have children is to scare us to death all the time. It is not that life cannot be challenging enough, we need children to make it more so. It is funny to me at how much stress I get worrying about them and how much joy they give too. It is the opposite ends of the spectrum and at times it seems as if it is way off the end too.

But I am not complaining. Nothing worthwhile comes without work, and for me this is great work. Ben is now with me in bed, with his feet in my face as an alternative to banging on the laptop keys. I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Anyway, I intend to move these feet and get some rest. Tomorrow is another busy day, and one that I hope sees him even better.

I hope your day has been filled with many blessings!

Goodnight and God Bless.


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