Of seniors, temporary bachelorhood, and lacrosse……

Tonight was “Senior Night” at Hare Chevrolet Field, and in addition to posting two solid wins (we played both Varsity and a JV games) we also honored our 6 graduating seniors. All six are a wonderful group of girls, and I will miss them when in a couple of months they go off into life!

But it was a different kind of night for me. Though Steph was at the game, Amanda and the boys were up in Elkhart (and tomorrow Fort Wayne) for games in the north. Scott is staying in a hotel with the team, and Amanda and the other Scott (Ben) are staying with my aunt and uncle in Fort Wayne. So it is a it odd for me to not hear Amanda in the stands or to come home and hear Scott playing guitar or read books to Ben. I will get home late and we play again early tomorrow, so I am sure it will go quickly.

Anyway, it was FINALLY a perfect day weather-wise!! Let’s pray tomorrow is the same.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless. Thanks for checking in!


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