Peace, peace at last!!

Amanda is home, and thankfully in a great mood. The games went well in Fort Wayne apparently, and Ben was an angel as always! And though I seriously doubt the latter, she still seems to be quite happy to be home, which is of course good for me!

The Noblesville Lady Millers won all their games Friday and Saturday which makes me happy as well. The Varsity is now 6-2, one of the best records in the state, and the JV is undefeated at 4-0. It is a grat year so far, and we are enjoying it more than you could ever imagine.

As for me however, I am exhausted. It is just 8 and I have a tom to do before bed, but I am happy that the day seems to be under control. Tomorrow will be a long day, but tonight is joyous because things are back to the normal type of chaos that at least I understand.

Anyway, I hope you have enjoyed this most beautiful and wonderful day!

Goodnight to you my friends and God Bless.


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