Happy Birthday to a great priest……

I wrote this post late Saturday, because tonight I am in Columbus, Ohio for the dedication of a new Church. Probably a few times a year I have an overnight trip, and usually I end up rooming with Fr. Kelly Irish, a seminary buddy of mine (just a few years ago……over 20), and what makes this even better is that it is his birthday.

Kelly is like that much much MUCH older brother I never had. (I am the much much much older brother in my family). Kelly is 52 today, an age I’d have to live a long time to even attain. But he doesn’t look his age at all……most people think he is a lot older.

No no no…..Kelly is not just one of the finest people I know, but the finest priest I know as well. He has been my confidant for over 20 years, and I certainly would not be the priest I am if it were not for his influence on my life. And sure, I figure if I say enough nice stuff about him I will not have to buy him dinner too. But seriously, I will. Kelly is a pretty good egg as they say.

Over the course of my life the Lord has put quite a few amazing people into my life, and Kelly is one of them. I give thanks to God for him on this day, and am honored to get to see him and buy him a dinner on his birthday. Happy Birthday Kelly.

I hope you have had a blessed day as well! God Bless you, and thanks for checking in!


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