Home Sweet Home…..

I am home from Columbus, and had a nice time. The new Church there was very nice, and Bishops Minns and Ames did a wonderful job in terms of dedicating it. Not too many clergy from our other churches were there, so Kelly and I were asked to take part. It was a great honor!

It was nice to see Kelly as well. He is a great friend and really gives great advice. I always run things by him on the phone, but it is always so much better in person. We had a nice dinner and evening. He and his family will be out here in June to lead a training on Intercessory Prayer, and with how time is flying lately that is just around the corner.

Things here are back to normal though. Amanda slipped on the hardwood floors while wearing her sock and hurt her back. So Ben is here between us snoring away to keep her company. He is a weasel for sure, but I admire his talent. He gets what he wants!! I only wish I were as successful!

Anyway, it is now bedtime for me. I wanted to catch a short nap today because I was exhausted, but there was just no way Amanda could watch Ben…….we has to play all afternoon! My lacrosse game was rained out, so kid stuff filled the entire day! No worries though. Exhausting or not, they are my favorite days!!

It is great to be home but I am beat….so goodnight and God Bless.


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