On Edge……

Today, though very busy, has not been as intense as tonight. Tonight Amanda and I are keeping a close eye on two of the new pups, one in particular that I had to resuscitate. We are struggling to keep them warm, and suckle, and have even tried to bottle feed them. Neither seems interested in that, so after we got them warmed back up I took them down and manually got them latched onto Jen. We will see, but this has all the makings of a long night!

And Ben of course does not understand. To him the puppies are just another thing to play with, and he becomes quite agitated when he is not allowed. Fortunately he is now distracted, so there is at least a sense of peace. And his bedtime is right around the corner.

Please keep us in your prayers though. Amanda’s back is still out, and I am doing my best. It is a tense time, but as I always learned…..you play the hand you were dealt. We are praying here for a big win!

So off to my job as a veterinary whatever I am! I hope to have a positive update tomorrow!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


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