Ending a long day…….

Tonight we held an Open House for Scotty.  I know it was not good in terms of timing, but it really was the only time we could get it in…….I mean at least if we wanted him to be here.  It was a lot to do but Amanda coordinated it all.  And we generally use some form of the word coordination when describing her abilities to get it all put together as she is not fond of the military descriptions we used to use.  It however went very well.

I am the primary cook in our home, not because Amanda doesn’t know how or doesn’t like to, but because of our schedules.  We have two very different styles/philosophies.  But when we do an “event,” I am relegated to setup, and generally (once again not military) just stay out of the way.  Amanda is from Kansas, and in the original Greek, Kansas means “cooks for 100’s of people even when only a few show,” so I do not fight it.

But it really went well.  My job during the event was to keep Ben busy so as to let Scotty visit.  It is often the hardest job, but tonight Ben was a real trooper.  Tonight’s picture is even of he and Viper already in pajamas and in bed.  We ALL had a great time.  The people in Scotty’s life are some of the finest I know.  It is cool to have them around too.

But now they are all gone and I am in bed.  Amanda is “on leave” from the day (military reference, yes, asleep next to me as I type).  I am hopefully not too far behind.

It has been a long day, but a good day.  And a big thanks to Amanda, Scotty, his girlfriend Kenzie, and even Ben!  They made it also a great day to remember.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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