Of toddler boys, dogs, and shampoo……

Ben and I are out on the porch tonight, and it is pretty early (6:45pm) and we are sans the cat because Ginger the dog is out here with us. Ginger is just three (formal name “Angelcreek’s I’m Not Mary Ann”) and is possibly going to be placed in a home. She was a show dog like the others, but developed a super-slight under bite (yes, I know that rhymes) and that doesn’t diminish one bit what a great dog she is, but it eliminates her from being shown. Some friends of Amanda’s are coming tonight to see her.

God bless my wife too. She thought she would get a head start and give Ginger a bath. She did, but used “Pantene” shampoo on her and she dried with VERY PUFFY hair! She (the dog) looks a lot like a very good looking Golden Retriever who stuck her paw in a light socket. And she keeps walking around the porch wagging her tail saying, “I’m looking for the guy who shocked my pa!” (I know, a bad one, and on so many levels too!)

Anyway, I hope this will be an early evening all around. It has been a long day, even if it is early. Long, but beautiful….the Lord has blessed us with one for the record books! Let’s hope tomorrow is just as wonderful a day!

An early goodnight my friends and God Bless.


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