If you have kids, the baby goat kind is less stressful……

Mercy…..if I didn’t have enough problems. Ben is addicted to the outdoors and if you are going out the door for even a minute he has to go with you or you will pay!! (Yep, a tantrum!) He is such a sweet kid, and he loves to just hang with you, so when I was unloading groceries from Amanda’s car tonight he had to go with me.

He was SOOOO EXCITED when I handed him the box of crackers in the driveway and told him to “take it to mommy.” I know he felt like such a big boy, and was just excitedly dancing up the walk to the door.

When he tripped, and tripped in an unbelievably awful way, it was like slow motion. I dropped the bags of groceries and tried my best to catch him before his head hit the walk, but I was too old and too slow. The sound was like a bat to a ball and though I was there in a fraction of a second, he was screaming. Please don’t be offended, but I was glad for that. Had I fallen like that I would have been unconscious. His screaming was a great sign.

He however was no longer the “big boy” he was pre-fall, he was a baby in need. I scooped him up and brought him to his mom who had a brand new white blouse that she of course let him bleed on. Had my arm been severed she would have told me to not bleed on her blouse, but this was Ben and he can bleed on anything she wants! I am glad she loves him so.

Ben seems fine. Perhaps just another opportunity to horse himself into our bed, but I am happy he will be there. All the kids can scare me more than I can ever express, but at the end of the day I am thankful for each one of them.

I am just glad it was not Scott. He is 2 inches taller than me and a lot bigger. Who’d want to sleep with a monster like that???

I am heading to a crowded, but thankful bed.

Goodnight my friends, and God Bless.


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