A Friday to remember……

Well it has been a wild day. Amanda and Scott are up in South Bend. The boy’s team played in Elkhart (my birthplace…blame them) and the team is staying overnight for games tomorrow….one against South Bend Washington, and the other against LaPorte. Scotty did score last night taking him into “double-digits” for the year. Why he cannot just say “ten” I do not know, but nonetheless I am proud of him. Hopefully he will add to it today.

We played our last JV game of the season last night. They went 7-0-1, and give us great hope for our future!! It was a blast and it was nice to play it against such a great team. Westfield and NHS are very close geographically, the girls have a great relationship with each other. We hope to do a few things over the summer too.

Tomorrow is the second round of the Sectionals, and we play at home at 7pm. We will face Heritage Christian, a team we beat by only one earlier in the season. It was their first loss, and I know they are coming to attempt to avenge it. We however are no longer the team that beat them. We have really developed. And though I am sure they have improved, we intend to put on our best game yet. In the end, we hope to be heading to the Sectional final next week.

Anyway, Ben is with me (and Steph) though she is at her friends watching a movie. It has been a pretty great day and tomorrow should be even better!!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless. Thanks for checking in!


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