Happy Mother’s Day!!

Happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers out there. Here in Indiana it was a beautiful day, and we enjoyed it very much.

Unfortunately in our family, with me always working, celebrating today with Amanda is always hard. We gave her flowers and cake and cards last night to not look as if we were behind, and tomorrow night we will take her out to dinner. Steph had to work today too, so after I got home Scotty and Ben and I went to see my mom in the nursing home. We brought her a turtle sundae, which she totally enjoyed! And all the little old ladies there just love Ben!

But today my thoughts are all about Amanda. Amanda, though she never really thought she wanted to be a mom or thought she would be good at it, turned out to be the very best mom I know. (Sorry, everyone else ties for second place!) Sure, she was pretty pathetic at picking a husband, but don’t we all thank God for that? I know I do! But the mom-thing is a place that she is always at the top of her game….at least in my book.

And get this…..she wants us to fix her dinner tomorrow night instead of going out! NO WAY! We already do that all the time anyway, and we are onto her cheap little ways! Tomorrow we have a “no dishes” policy in place. Instead we will go out and honor “Supermom.” She is certainly the best in our eyes, and we love her. And she’s going to get a dinner whether she wants it or not!!

Happy Mother’s Day!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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