Get well Flo…..

Today I was able to visit one of my favorite parishioners and one of the most loyal and dedicated followers of this blog…Flo Kinworthy. Flo was admitted to Clarian North Hospital yesterday with fluid around her heart, and today I got the privilege of competing with doctors and nurses for her time! Flo looked great, and is in a great hospital getting great care! (Ben was born in the same hospital!) And we expect her home soon!

One of the things you should know about Flo is that her eyesight is failing. She cannot see well enough to read my blog. So each night her daughter Jo (also a parishioner) reads the blog to her! Flo always comments, as she did today, how she feels like she knows our family from reading it. And in truth, she really does, not just because she reads the blog, but because she cares to be a part of our life. I really only started blogging regularly as a discipline following my stroke. But Flo knew me far before I started blogging, and she and Jo are dedicated Christians and friends. Keep her in your prayers!

Ironically, Flo had just purchased a couple of chairs for the new Narthex of St. Patrick’s. I did mention to her she ought not to buy any more chairs, because every time she does, she ends up in the hospital! She did promise no more chairs, but has a few other pieces she wants to get. And in truth, she will. She is a wonderful woman with a lot of miles left! Deacon Dan and Merry Ann will bring her Communion tomorrow, and I will see her a few more times this week. She will probably be surprised to read about herself, but she is special to us, and we are glad she is in the right place and getting better!

Keep it up Flo! We love you and are looking forward to your healthy return!! Keep her in your prayers!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


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