Who? Mike T!!

Today I had the great pleasure of attending and standing on the sidelines of the 5th Annual Michael Treinen Memorial Alumni Game which benefits the Michael Treinen Foundation Link to The Michael Treinen Foundation

Mike T was an amazing young man.  Regular readers know that he became my Assistant Coach (ALWAYS capitalized when talking about Mike T) shortly before his death and right after I had my stroke.  I needed help, and he at 19 was already helping the boy’s team, but made the commitment to help me and the girls too.

In all my years as a player and coach I have never been so moved by such an example.  I just had a stroke and was struggling to make my way through that.  Mike was weeks away from heading to heaven and he rearranged his chemotherapy schedules to help my sorry butt.  I didn’t complain, I learned.  He was 19, but for that short time he was also a very important life coach for me.  I actually met him and shook his hand for the first time in the center of Hare Field at the first game I returned to after being released from the hospital.  He had been one of the guys running our practices when I was hospitalized.  What a honor that was!

Mike’s memory lives on in many of our hearts and his foundation helps those who are struggling with cancer and their families.  He was a hell of a guy and I miss him.  And…….I look forward to the day I will shake his hand once more, not on Hare Field, but on that home field (yes it’s turf) up way past those Pearly Gates!  Thanks my brother!  I am blessed by your presence in my life!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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