My brain, my brain, my sleepy brain……

I am sure happy today was today and not any other day this week, because sometimes my brain shuts down and I just need to sleep (my grandma warned me of this post-stroke) and today was such a day. Fortunately we had no games, and it was raining, so no practice. I had gone to bed at 10 pm the night before and just couldn’t get up till around 3, and only because I had to.

These zombie-like states don’t happen all that often, and fortunately for me, when they have they have always been during down-times like today. (at least that is what I remember) I am not cognizant of any during times I had a lot going on, but I suppose my staff might tell you different. In truth, I have been worried about this happening for a few weeks. I have really had to struggle these past few weeks in terms of my concentration. My focus has been hard to manage, and all I really had to hang my hopes on were my chiseled good looks, my Mensa mind, and my tanned 6’4″ frame. Yep, foggy and still quite delusional…….

But is is almost 9 and I have been up since 3. I am tired still, but an early bedtime may help to get me back on track. I have a big weekend ahead with the girls, and I want to make sure I am there as their coach and not Napoleon Bonaparte. Time will tell and sleep will help. Who in the world would have ever thought that one stupid blood clot could make me crazier than what being married to Amanda already has? (It’s a joke honey……most people think you are crazy. I am the one who married up!)

Anyway, it is a short but successful day for me! More rain is coming and hopefully it will help me to sleep.

Thanks for checking in my friends! Goodnight and God Bless.


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