Rain and frustration……

Yes, we went to the Final Four, but our game was postponed due to lightening finally at a little after 10 pm. We had played 5 minutes and the score was 1-1. Tomorrow at 12:30 we start it over again……0-0.

Needless to say I am wiped out! It is midnight and I am typing in bed. Say a prayer for me, because all this makes things seem chaotic to me and that leads to fogginess. And I really NEED clarity tomorrow for the games. Sadly, we will not have the advantage of playing just once tomorrow, like we should have. And that is going to make it harder for the girls. But if it has to happen that way, I cannot think of a better group of girls to have playing.

Okay, enough for me. More storms are coming and I need to rest.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


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