The best laid plans often meet up with Ben……

My plans to get to bed early tonight have been set aside! It is just before 11, and Ben and Amanda went to bed. Generally when Ben has to stay up late (tonight to attend a graduation open house) he generally outlasts his mom. Tonight that was the case. I made her get up from sleeping on the couch and Ben and I put her to bed. I then say, “okay, let’s go to YOUR BED,” which causes him to run to my bed and climb into my spot. The good news is that he goes to bed there quickly, the bad news is (for him) that he will be mowing and shoveling snow at a much younger age than Stephanie and Scott!

My youngest sister, Anna, graduates from Cathedral High School this year. Her open house was yesterday, and had our team not been in the final four, we would have been there. She is an amazing young woman, and will be heading to my Alma Mater Butler. My brother Michael (who I know as Mike but will call him anything he wants because he is about a foot taller than me) will be a Junior there as Anna starts. Fortunately for both of them, I in the great Tirman tradition, never set the bar too high there….unless consecutive semesters on “academic probation” counts. I will ask my dad, but I don’t think it does. It is just great to see them both there because it is such a great school.

Well I am off to bed before I turn into a pumpkin as m grandma would say. Puddy and I got to type this out on the porch, 45 degrees and all, but it does me good. I unwind here the best, and today has been too long! I needed it.

I hope your day was truly blessed! Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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