An unexpected journey…..

Today I spent a great deal of time in the ER with Amanda who got a major migraine headache while at work in Indianapolis this morning. I went to pick her up, and though we had an appointment for her at our doctor’s office, we were not even able to make it home. A stop at the Clarian North ER defined our day. But after a few IV meds, a CT scan, some shots, and even some morphine, Amanda was released for me to take home and put to bed.

I feel so badly for her when she gets these headaches. She is clearly miserable, and nothing ever helps. She has tried about every prophylactic migraine medicine in existence, yet none seems to help. I will say that today was her first ever shot of morphine, and unlike any other time, her pain level dropped considerably. She also ate before she went to bed here at the house which was different too. Normally she cannot eat, nor does she want anything to do with being awake. Today she was in the land of the living for a good while before heading to bed only semi-grouchy. I liked it. Though I have never had it before, they have my permission to shoot her up with it at every headache that comes her way. We are all happier when she is not miserable!!

Anyway, she is asleep and hopefully going to be fine. Ben and I went and got her meds at the pharmacy, so if she needs them they are here. Hopefully not though. Sleep should do her wonders.

Keep her in your prayers! We all appreciate it here in the Tirman home!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless! I am letting out the dogs and heading to bed myself!


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